Words of Welcome

Dear colleagues,
We have the great pleasure and honour to invite you to the 12th European Pesticide Residue Workshop. It will take place from May 22nd to May 25th 2018 in Munich, Germany under the patronage of the Bavarian Health and Food Safety Authority (LGL - Bayerisches Landesamt für Gesundheit und Lebensmittelsicherheit).
We would like to extend our warm invitation to representatives from government and commercial laboratories, public authorities, regulatory bodies, food producers, processors, retailers, agrochemical manufacturers and all other interested parties.
Since the first workshop 1996 which was held in Alkmaar, the Netherlands, EPRW has evolved into a worldwide recognized platform in the field of pesticide residues. EPRW is known far beyond European borders and we expect more than 500 participants from most continents. The Workshop will cover the latest concepts and developments in the field of pesticides in food and drink. It will provide a platform for the exchange of information and experience and it will connect people from each of the relevant sectors.
In addition to the scientific program, we hope that you will enjoy the Bavarian hospitality. A number of social events are planned to bring the attendees together.
We are looking forward to welcome all of you in Munich for the EPRW 2018!